5 Date Palm Tree seeds, Phoenix dactylifera Kimia dates Date Palm Seeds.htm |
Agave americana 3 inch plant shipped in a 6.5cm pot good roots and great growth potential.htm |
10 High Quality European olive tree seeds Olea europaea.htm |
5 inch Healthy Aloe Vera Plant.htm |
Echinopsis pachanoi crested ornamental cactus San Pedro Cactus.htm |
One Hoya Carnosa crickle cutting porcelain flower.htm |
Cutting EUPHORBIA MILII Pink Crown of thorns Christ.htm |
Myrtus Communis 20 Fresh seeds.htm |
Opuntia microdasys yellow cactus pad.htm |
Euphorbia aeruginosa plant miniature saguaro 6.5cm pot.htm |
Aptenia cordifolia - baby sun rose - heart leaf iceplant one 6-8 inch cutting.htm |
10 seeds Cleistocactus morawetzianus nice unusual cactus seeds.htm |
Stapelia paniculata subs. kougabergensis 6.5cm pot.htm |
Hoya Carnosa Tricolor Hoya Krimson Princess in an 6.5cm pot.htm |
Senecio Herreianus purple vein - String of Beads - Purple Flush Cutting.htm |
Agave americana 9 inch plant shipped in a 6.5cm pot good roots.htm |
Euphorbia milii - red flower - plant.htm |
Pilosocereus azureus blue columnar cactus.htm |
Opuntia brasiliensis cactus shipped in 6.5 cm pot brazilian prickly pear.htm |
Hoya Kroniana Plant in an 8.5cm pot.htm |
Brachychiton Acerifolius Hardy Bottle Tree 5 Seeds.htm |
Epiphyllum red tip cutting - produces large red flowers.htm |
Carob tree ceratonia siliqua st john's-bread 25 seeds.htm |
5 seeds Butia capitata | Pindo Palm | Jelly Palm | Wine Palm, Cocos capitata.htm |
Euphorbia Tortilis Spiral Cactus Succulent Cutting.htm |
Carpobrotus acinaciformis mesembryanthemum pig face pink.htm |
Gymnocalycium baldianum shipped in a 6.5cm.htm |
10 Maltese Olive seeds, Bidni produces small violet fruit.htm |
12cm Cleistocactus winteri subs. colademononis rooted plant.htm |
Hoya Bella plant.htm |
favicon.ico |
Giant CROWN OF THORNS Euphorbia Milii Plant Red Flower.htm |
Rhipsalis baccifera - mistletoe trailing cactus.htm |
Alluaudia Procera 5_ plant Madagascar ocotillo African Ocotillo.htm |
8.5 cm pot Ferocactus histrix Rare Unusual houseplant.htm |
Carob tree, ceratonia siliqua, st john's-bread, locust bean 12 fresh seed pods.htm |
15 Yucca plant seeds yucca gloriosa fam_ asparagaceae.htm |
Peruvian apple cactus 10 seeds cereus repandus Cereus peruvianus Edible fruit.htm |
Adenium multiflorum – Impala Lily - nice plant shipped in a 6.5 cm pot - Plant approx 3 inches high.htm |
Sacred Lotus Nelumbo nucifera 6 Seeds Indian lotus, sacred lotus bean of India, Egyptian bean Water Lily Pink Flowers.htm |
Zulu giant stapelia gigantea CUTTING.htm |
Adenium Arabicum 3 inch plant.htm |
Kalanchoe kewensis rare succulent small plant.htm |
Aloe aculeata Pole-Evans in a 9cm pot.htm |
Thevetia peruviana lucky nut yellow oleander 5 fresh seeds.htm |
Hoya carnosa tricolor - krimson princess - wax plant - one fresh cutting.htm |
Stapelia schinzii var. angolensis in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
Euphorbia mammillaris variegata rare succulent shipped in a pot.htm |
Giant white hylocereus dragon fruit cactus huge flower pitaya 4-5 inch cutting Orchid Cactus.htm |
10 seeds Echinopsis subdenudata rare lobivia cactus chamaecereus succulent seeds 10 seeds.htm |
Hoya Parasitica black margin 12cm pot.htm |
10 seeds Cleistocactus samaipatanus Golden Rat Tail Cactus.htm |
Orbea halipedicola - Carrion Plant - stapelia halipedicola.htm |
Ceropegia woodii string of hearts, rosary vine, sweetheart vine cutting.htm |
Euphorbia Japonica (Euphorbia cv. Cocklebur) shipped in a 3 inch pot.htm |
Stephanotis floribunda, Madagascar jasmine, Wax flower. 15 freshly harvested seeds.htm |
Phoenix dactylifera Mazafati dates 6 Fresh seeds.htm |
Hoodia Macrantha Bushman's hat Kalahari cactus Apocynaceae Rare Unusual houseplant.htm |
Agave americana 6 inch plant shipped in a 6.5cm pot good roots and great growth potential.htm |
Frangipani plumeria rubra seeds.htm |
5 Safawi dates seeds.htm |
Phoenix reclinata dates 5 Fresh seeds reclinata Date Palm Seeds from Namibia.htm |
Hoya Carnosa Compacta Crinkle healthy plant porcelain flower 6.5cm pot 9 inch plant.htm |
Tradescantia pallida purple heart one high quality cutting - wandering jew.htm |
Tephrocactus articulatus var. strobiliformis.htm |
40 jade plant seeds crassula ovata succulent bonsai indoor money plant.htm |
Phoenix dactylifera Medjool seeds dates - 6 Date Palm Seeds.htm |
Crested Stapelia leendertziae - carrion plant black bells.htm |
15 Seeds Agave americana.htm |
5 Khedri Date Seeds.htm |
Mediterranean prickly pear cactus pad - opuntia ficus-indica grows Purple fruit.htm |
Adenium Thai Socotranum Aden rose of Socotran 5 Seeds.htm |
Opuntia vulgaris Cactus one prickly pear pad freshly cut.htm |
Seoul Kitchen Self Pollinating dragon Fruit Cutting pitaya 8 inch cutting.htm |
Rhipsalis Cruciformis RARE - Lepismium Cruciforme Plant.htm |
6cm Cleistocactus winteri subs. colademononis rooted plant.htm |
Portulacaria afra Variegated - elephant bush 1 quality cutting.htm |
One plant Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum purple rose purple aeonium 6.5 cm pot.htm |
Zulu giant Stapelia Gigantea Plant.htm |
Ceropegia woodii Variegated string of hearts, rosary vine cutting.htm |
epiphyllum anguliger plant , orchid cactus, fishbone zig zag.htm |
Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum cutting.htm |
Lepismium bolivianum cutting approx 6 inches long.htm |
Euphorbia polyacantha - fishbone-thistle, fish-bone cactus 6.5cm pot.htm |
Aloe Massawana small rooted plant succulent.htm |
10 seeds Chamaerops humilis Fan Palm.htm |
Cereus peruvianus crested cactus.htm |
Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa red rhipsalis -red mistletoe cactus 20 fresh seeds.htm |
Hoya Carnosa Tricolor Hoya Krimson Queen in an 89 cm pot.htm |
30 Fresh Bell Pepper Seeds - Red, Yellow or Green Capsicum annuum.htm |
Melocactus azureus Blue cactus.htm |
Pachypodium lamerei, madagascar palm, club foot.htm |
Mediterranean prickly pear cactus pad - opuntia ficus-indica grows Orange fruit.htm |
50 Pink Oleander seeds.htm |
Hoya wayetii variegated - wax plant - potted in a 8.5cm pot.htm |
Opuntia inamoena rare smooth pads one prickly pear pad.htm |
Dragon Fruit Plant in an 8.5cm pot.htm |
30 seeds Giant white hylocereus dragon fruit cactus huge flower pitaya.htm |
8 inch Healthy Aloe Vera Plant.htm |
Phoenix reclinata dates 5 Fresh seeds reclinata Date Seeds from Namibia.htm |
5 Khalas Date Seeds Date Palm Seeds.htm |
Opuntia subulata austrocylindropuntia subulata eve's needle.htm |
Peperomia Caperata Rosso 6.5cm pot.htm |
Euphorbia milii vulcanii - white flower - plant in 12cm pot.htm |
Opuntia ficus-indica Cactus one prickly pear pad.htm |
10 Cercis siliquastrum seeds Judas tree.htm |
Variegated Agave americana 5 inch plant shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
5 Barhi Date Palm Tree seeds, Phoenix dactylifera Barhi dates Date Palm Seeds.htm |
20 seeds American Beauty Self Pollinating dragon Fruit.htm |
Opuntia reticulata opuntia cobra zebrina.htm |
Euphorbia Lactea White Ghost Cutting 3 inch.htm |
Epiphyllum guatemalense monstrose curly locks plant.htm |
Tephrocactus alexanderi 6.5cm pot.htm |
Orange easter cactus 15 fresh seeds rhipsalidopsis gaertneri seeds.htm |
Harrisia pomanensis 10 seeds also known as Applecactus, Midnight Lady Edible Fruit.htm |
6 Organically Grown Fresh Japanese Medlar Loquat Eriobotrya Japonica Naspli Seeds.htm |
One high quality Delosperma echinatum cutting.htm |
Myrtillocactus geometrizans 8 inch blue myrtle cactus.htm |
Kalanchoe Marmorata 1 One freshly taken high quality cutting.htm |
Hoodia Gordonii Bushman's hat Kalahari cactus Apocynaceae.htm |
Pachypodium saundersii , kudu lily, rathbonia.htm |
Opuntia quitensis from Peru and Equador ONE pad unrooted.htm |
Euphorbia milii - yellow flower - plant.htm |
8.5cm pot Peruvian old man cactus - espostoa lanata plant.htm |
Peruvian old man cactus - espostoa lanata plant .htm |
20 Seeds Opuntia ficus-indica Mediterranean Prickly Pear Cactus.htm |
Stapelia orbea variegata plant shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
Alluaudia Procera 10_ plant Madagascar ocotillo African Ocotillo.htm |
20 Stenocactus lamellosus seeds.htm |
5 Custard Apple Seeds Annona squamosa.htm |
Dischidia ovata - watermelon dischidia cutting.htm |
Opuntia Monocantha Pad from South America.htm |
Rebutia albiareolata - red crown cactus.htm |
Bird of Paradise Seeds 5 seeds.htm |
Selenicereus grandiflorus queen of the night vanilla cactus one mature cutting.htm |
Euphorbia Lactea 4 inch Cutting - Dragon Bones Tree - Large Ornamental Succulent.htm |
15 seeds Selenicereus grandiflorus queen of the night vanilla cactus.htm |
Sansevieria fernwood shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
Mediterranean prickly pear cactus pad - opuntia ficus-indica grows Yellow fruit.htm |
Senecio peregrinus string of dolphins succulent cutting.htm |
6 Asparagus densiflorus seeds.htm |
Adenium Arabicum 5 seeds.htm |
Mammillaria elongata cristata 6.5cm pot.htm |
Giant white hylocereus dragon fruit cactus huge flower pitaya 8 inch cutting Orchid Cactus.htm |
Euphorbia Enterophora 5 inch Cutting.htm |
Mammillaria tetrancistra common fishhook cactus.htm |
Variegated Agave americana 8 inch plant shipped in a 8.5cm pot.htm |
Epiphyllum Creatum Orchid Cactus disocactus crenatum.htm |
Euphorbia pseudocactus in a 6.5cm pot ornamental succulent.htm |
Caralluma hesperidum in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
A pack of 20 fresh Lantana Camara Seeds.htm |
Hoya Carnosa Compacta Crinkle healthy plant porcelain flower 6.5cm pot.htm |
Rainbow Elephant bush 8.5cm pot.htm |
ONE Kalanchoe Longiflora High Quality Fresh Cutting Flowering Succulent.htm |
Xerosicyos danguyi silver dollar vine - penny plant - shipped in a 8.5cm pot.htm |
Italian cypress strata cupressus sempervirens 50 fresh seeds.htm |
Peperomia Verticillata Red Log.htm |
American Beauty Self Pollinating dragon Fruit Cutting pitaya.htm |
Alluaudia Procera 5" plant Madagascar ocotillo African Ocotillo.htm |
Stapelia Obducta plant shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
Sacred Lotus Nelumbo nucifera 6 Seeds Indian lotus.htm |
Grafted Coral Cactus Crested Euphorbia Lactea.htm |
River she-oak casuarina cunninghamiana 50 seeds.htm |
5 inch Cutting Echinopsis pachanoi San Pedro Cactus.htm |
Pencil cactus Euphorbia tirucalli two fresh high quality rootless cuttings.htm |
hoya parasitica black margin very rare Hoya 8.5cm pot.htm |
Euphorbia Trigona Rubra cv Royal Red.htm |
10 Japanese pagoda tree seeds. Styphnolobium japonicum. .htm |
Senecio herreianus - string of beads - 6 inch cutting.htm |
Phoenix dactylifera Medjool seeds dates - 6 seeds.htm |
Yellow Dragon Fruit 20 seeds Selenicereus Megalanthus dragon fruit pitaya.htm |
Phoenix dactylifera deglet noor dates 6 Fresh seeds.htm |
Opuntia rubescens known as Road Kill Cactus shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
Myrtillocactus geometrizans 5 inch blue myrtle cactus.htm |
Stapelia leendertziae plant 12cm pot.htm |
A pack of 10 x 10cm (3.9 inch) Terracotta coloured plastic pots.htm |
Peperomia Lilian 6.5cm pot.htm |
Thevetia peruviana lucky nut orange oleander 5 fresh seeds.htm |
Phoenix dactylifera deglet noor dates 6 Fresh seeds Date Palm Seeds.htm |
15 seeds mouse tail cactus rhipsalis baccifera rare cactus succulent plant.htm |
Brachychiton Platanifolia Hardy AUSTRALIAN Bottle Tree 5 Seeds.htm |
5 Seeds Opuntia inamoena rare smooth pads.htm |
Stenocactus lamello brain cactus 6.5cm pot.htm |
Healthy Stapelia Hirsuta plant shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
Euphorbia milii - yellow flower - cutting.htm |
Healthy Stapelia leendertziae plant shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
5 Sagai Date Seeds Date Palm Seeds.htm |
Echinopsis Subdenudata - Easter Lily Cactus - Night bloom.htm |
Pilosocereus glaucochrous.htm |
Indian Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis indica 5 seeds Pink Flowers.htm |
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi - lavender scallops 1 high quality cutting bryophyllum.htm |
Rooted Prickly Pear Pad - shipped in a pot - opuntia ficus-indica.htm |
Hayley's Comet dragon Fruit Cutting pitaya 8 inch cutting.htm |
Italian cypress cupressus sempervirens 50 seeds horizontalis.htm |
Hoya Memoria cutting.htm |
One 3_ Rat Tail Cactus Aporocactus Flagelliform cutting.htm |
5 Asparagus setaceus seeds.htm |
Cereus Forbesii 6.5cm pot.htm |
15 seeds Lagunaria patersonia norfolk island hibiscus - pyramid tree.htm |
12 Sea Daffodil Seeds Pancratium maritimum.htm |
25 fresh dragon fruit seeds.htm |
Brachychiton Acerifolius Hardy Bottle Tree 5 Seeds Flame Bottle Tree.htm |
Nerium oleander mixed oleander 50 seeds pink oleander white oleander red oleander salmon oleander.htm |
Hoya Krohniana Silver shipped in a 8.5cm pot.htm |
Epiphyllum Guatemalense Monstrose curly locks cutting.htm |
10 Jacaranda mimosifolia seeds.htm |
Stapelia Hirsuta Cutting - Carrion Plant - Starfish Flower.htm |
Phoenix dactylifera Mazafati dates 6 Fresh Date Palm Seeds.htm |
15 seeds Rhipsalis pilocarpa rare epiphyllum hanging mouse tail.htm |
10 inch Euphorbia Canariensis dark Canary Island Spurge.htm |
Melocactus azureus, Blue Turk's Cap Cactus.htm |
10 seeds Epiphyllum Guatemalense Monstrose.htm |
Euphorbia fruticosa - Cutting - Cool Succulent Plant.htm |
5 Adenium Obesum seeds.htm |
Dischidia imbricata cutting very rare unusual plant String of Nickels.htm |
Echinopsis chamaecereu Chamaelobivia captain jessop.htm |
Hildewintera Aureispina Golden Rat Tail.htm |
Phoenix dactylifera Zahidi 6 Fresh seeds Zahdi Date Seeds.htm |
Rhipsalidopsis Schlumberga 3 pink christmas cactus cuttings.htm |
Hoya wayetii - wax plant - one plant potted in the correct media.htm |
5 seeds Butia capitata Pindo Palm Jelly Palm Wine Palm, Cocos capitata.htm |
Sansevieria trifasciata - snake plant three x 6 inch cuttings.htm |
Hoya australis - wax plant - one fresh cutting.htm |
Rhipsalidopsis Schlumberga 3 orange christmas cactus cuttings.htm |
Rhipsalidopsis Schlumberga 3 white christmas cactus cuttings.htm |
Mock orange 25 seeds pittosporum tobira nanum.htm |
10 seeds Wooly Torch Cactus Cleistocactus strausii.htm |
Aeonium Kiwi single high quality cutting.htm |
Hoya australis lisa - wax plant - one plant in a 6.5cm pot .htm |
Euphorbia milii - red flower - plant in 12cm pot.htm |
9cm pot Stunning crested Echinopsis pachanoi cactus.htm |
Rhipsalis Cruciformis cutting - rare - Lepismium Cruciforme.htm |
20 Seeds Opuntia Dillenii Mediterranean Prickly Pear Cactus.htm |
Euphorbia decaryi Rare Euphorbiaceae shipped in a pot.htm |
Peperomia napoli nights 6.5cm pot.htm |
Euphorbia milii - white flower - Cutting.htm |
A pack of 10 x 5.5cm (2 inch) Terracotta coloured plastic pots.htm |
6 Magnolia Grandiflora Tree Seeds Nice hardy Flowering Tree.htm |
Giant Vietnamese Jaina Self Pollinating dragon Fruit pitaya 6 inch Cutting.htm |
Fairy Castle Cactus Acanthocereus tetragonus Fairy Castle.htm |
Rare giant crown of thorns Euphorbia Milii 1 unrooted cutting.htm |
50 Red Oleander seeds.htm |
50 White Oleander seeds.htm |
Rhipsalis pilocarpa rare epiphyllum hanging mouse tail.htm |
Euphorbia fruticosa - 6.5cm pot - Cool Succulent Plant.htm |
Canna indica edulis, Indian Shot Lily, arrowroot Red flower - 15 Seeds.htm |
Large Ferocactus Latispinus Crow's claw cactus.htm |
15 Yucca plant seeds yucca gloriosa fam: asparagaceae.htm |
20 Passion Fruit Seeds.htm |
10 x leaf cutting of donkey tail, sedum morganianum.htm |
Tephrocactus articulatus var. inermis 6.5cm pot.htm |
Euphorbia milii - redflower - one 5 inch cutting.htm |
Alluaudia Procera 10" plant Madagascar ocotillo African Ocotillo.htm |
Euphorbia milii vulcanii - yellow flower - plant in 12cm pot.htm |
Hoya Carnosa Tricolor Hoya Krimson Princess in an 9 cm pot.htm |
5 Adenium Black Somalense seeds.htm |
Phoenix reclinata 5 Fresh seeds reclinata Date Seeds from Namibia.htm |
Sansevieria cylindrica One rooted plant approx 5 inches tall 6.5cm pot.htm |
Mammillaria magnimamma - Mexican Pincushion.htm |
Rhipsalis Baccifera 2 cuttings mouse tail cactus.htm |
Xerosicyos danguyi - silver dollar vine - penny plant - shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii Dwarf Chin Cactus.htm |
Ceropegia woodii string of hearts, rosary vine, one cutting, pointed variant.htm |
20 Seeds Opuntia Vulgaris Mediterranean Prickly Pear Cactus.htm |
Opuntia microdasys var. albispina (white) also called Bunny Ears Cactus.htm |
Stapelia revoluta in a 6.5cm pot Revolute-flowered Tromotriche.htm |
Kiwano melon horned melon jelly melon 15 seeds.htm |
Hoodia Bainii Bushman's hat Kalahari cactus Apocynaceae.htm |
Lantana camara 20 fresh seeds wild-sage, red-sage, white-sage.htm |
50 Salmon Oleander seeds.htm |
Blue leaved acacia - orange wattle acacia saligna tree 50 seeds.htm |
One Kalanchoe Kewensis succulent plant cutting.htm |
Phoenix dactylifera Zahidi 6 Fresh Date Palm SeedsZahdi Date Seeds.htm |
Euphorbia trigona shipped in a 6.5cm pot african milk tree.htm |
Rebutia marsoneri - yellow flowers - shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
15 seeds Tecoma stans - yellow bells - beautiful flowering shrub.htm |
Rare Adenium Black Somalense – Desert Rose Elephants foot - Shipped in a 6.5 cm pot.htm |
3 inch Healthy Aloe Vera Plant.htm |
25 fresh seeds Punica granatum. Organic pomegranate seeds.htm |
12 fresh seeds variegated schefflera arboricola dwarf umbrella tree bonsai.htm |
100 Dried Papaya Seeds.htm |
Hoya Memoria - wax plant - one plant potted in the correct media.htm |
12 Fresh seeds Schefflera arboricola Dwarf Umbrella Tree.htm |
One Aloe Nobilis Succulent Golden Toothed Aloe.htm |
Selenicereus anthonyanus (rik rak) cryptocereus anthonyanus cutting.htm |
Euphorbia Guentheri sausage spurge Monadenium guentheri.htm |
River tamarind miracle tree 25 seeds Leucaena Leucocephala.htm |
5 Seeds Adenia isaloensis Isalo Dwarf Passion flower.htm |
Senecio radicans string of bananas fishhook senecio cutting.htm |
Portulacaria Afra Elephant Bush 2 High quality cuttings.htm |
Gymnocalycium bruchii cactus.htm |
Euphorbia Trigona cutting.htm |
Giant Vietnam Jaina 20 seeds dragon fruit pitaya self polinating variety.htm |
Sansevieria cylindrica shipped in a 9cm pot.htm |
A pack of 10 x 6.5cm (2.6 inch) Terracotta coloured plastic pots.htm |
Sansevieria Moonshine shipped in a 8.5cm pot.htm |
Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa red rhipsalis red mistletoe cactus.htm |
Senecio rowleyanus string of pearls one 5 inch cutting.htm |
One cutting Green Rose Aeonium Arboreum Succulent Irish Rose.htm |
10 seeds Natal plum, carissa macrocarpa, flowering shrub, edible fruits.htm |
Mediterranean prickly pear cactus pad - opuntia ficus-indica grows Red fruit.htm |
Echinopsis pachanoi ornamental cactus San Pedro Cactus.htm |
5 Date Palm Tree seeds, Phoenix dactylifera Kimia dates.htm |
Sabal minor dwarf palmetto palm 6 seeds.htm |
Austrocylindropuntia vestita f. cristata Crested Old Man Opuntia.htm |
Tephrocactus articulatus v. papyracanthus.htm |
_Stapelia Obducta plant shipped in a 6.5cm pot.htm |
Euphorbia milii - Multi coloured flowers 12cm pot.htm |
10 seeds Sandarac Gum Tree Tetraclinis articulata.htm |
Echinopsis Eyriesii Rare shipped in a 6.5cm Pot.htm |
One 3" Rat Tail Cactus Aporocactus Flagelliform cutting.htm |
Frangipani plumeria rubra plant.htm |