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Cool Plants for your house and garden

We have 12 product s in this category

  Euphorbia Cuttings


Approx 4 inches long

Also known as Spurge, Miniature Saguaro

Provided with growing and care guide

Euphorbia aeruginosa is a very decorative spiny, succulent, forming dwarf, shrubs 15-30 cm in height (up to 40 cm recorded north of Punda Milia) and a subterranean caudex.

Branches bluish-grey or brownish-green with many brownish spines.

Branching occurs at or below ground level and above too.

Its name, which means 'verdigris', refers to the coppery-green branches which have contrasting reddish-brown spines.

Flowers are small bright yellow 3 mm in diameter; nectar-glands oblong - In Stock

One EUPHORBIA AERUGINOSA cutting  Quantity: 
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Euro 1.95
Euphorbia fruticosa - Cutting - Cool Succulent Plant
Euphorbia fruticosa - 4 inch cutting - Cool Succulent Plant

Shipped in a rigid box after being well packed

Similar in size and shape to the one in the photo

Easy to root and grow

It is a winter dormant and easy species to grow that is suited for any well drained soil in full sun.

But young plant are happy growing indoors, where they can easily reach the ceiling.

Give the plant an airy growing medium which mainly consists of non organic material such us clay, pumice, lava grit, and only a little peat or leaf-mould.

Water regularly during the active growing season from March to September.

No water should ever be allowed to stand around the roots. Keep almost completely dry in winter.

It is a moderately fast grower,and will quickly become large landscape masterpieces in just 3-7 years.

It can tolerate moderate shade, and a plant that has been growing in shade should be slowly hardened off before placing it in full sun as the plant will be severely scorched if moved too suddenly from shade into sun.

Like quite small pots, repot in very later winter, early spring.

Can be pruned for shape and branching.

Frost tender, frost free zones only. -

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Euphorbia fruticosa - Cutting - Cool Succulent Plant  Quantity: 
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Euro 2.95
Pencil cactus Euphorbia tirucalli two fresh high quality rootless cuttings
2 x Cuttings that are 4 to 5 inches long

Provided with growing instructions

Euphorbia tirucalli (commonly known as aveloz, Indian tree spurge, naked lady, pencil tree, pencil cactus, milk bush) is a tree that grows in semi-arid tropical climates.

It has a wide distribution in Africa, being prominently present in northeastern, central and southern Africa.

It may also be native in other parts of the continent as well as some surrounding islands and the Arabian peninsula and has been introduced to many other tropical regions.

Its status in India is uncertain.It grows in dry areas, and is often used to feed cattle or as hedging.

It is well known in Sri Lanka where it is called Kalli in Tamil

Euphorbia tirucalli is a hydrocarbon plant that produces a poisonous latex which can, with little effort, be converted to the equivalent of gasoline.

This led chemist Melvin Calvin to propose the exploitation of E. tirucalli for producing oil.

This usage is particularly appealing because of the ability of E. tirucalli to grow on land that is not suitable for most other crops. - In Stock

Pencil cactus Euphorbia tirucalli two fresh high quality rootless cuttings  Quantity: 
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Euro 3.95
Euphorbia Trigona cutting
Euphorbia Trigona cutting

The photo shows one of our mature plants

Common names include African milk tree, cathedral cactus, Abyssinian euphorbia, high chaparalle

Approximately 4 inches

Easy to root, just do not keep wet

They all grow leaves in summer but may loose them at various times so they may not always have leaves when shipped

Provided with care and growing guide

Easy to care for once rooted and growing - In Stock

Euphorbia Trigona cutting  Quantity: 
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Euro 4.95
Euphorbia milii - white flower - Cutting
Euphorbia milii - white flower - one 5 inch cutting

Crown of thorns Christ plant

5 inch stem cutting from white Flower plant

Easy to root and grow

Stunning White Flowers

Euphorbia milii vulcanii


- In Stock

Euphorbia milii - white flower - Cutting  Quantity: 
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Euro 5.95
Euphorbia milii - yellow flower - cutting
Euphorbia milii - yellow flower - one 5 inch cutting

Crown of thorns Christ plant

5 inch stem cutting from Yellow Flower plant

Easy to root and grow

Stunning Yellow Flowers

Euphorbia milii vulcanii


- In Stock

Euphorbia milii - yellow flower - cutting  Quantity: 
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Euro 5.95
Cutting EUPHORBIA MILII Pink Crown of thorns Christ
Euphorbia milii vulcanii - pink flower - one 5 inch cutting

Crown of thorns Christ plant

5 inch stem cutting from Pink Flower plant

Easy to root and grow

Stunning Pink Flowers

Euphorbia milii vulcanii

Photos show how the plant grows and flowers - In Stock

Cutting EUPHORBIA MILII Pink Crown of thorns Christ  Quantity: 
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Euro 5.95
Euphorbia Lactea 4 inch Cutting - Dragon Bones Tree - Large Ornamental Succulent
Euphorbia Lactea 4 inch Cutting - Dragon Bones Tree - Large Ornamental Succulent

Shipped in a rigid box after being well packed

Growing guide provided and for successful rooting this must be followed

Euphorbia lactea is only hardy to maybe 5° C and most grow it either in pots (excellent potted plant) or plant it in very protected locations.

Euphorbia lactea being from a tropical climate, it is one of the few columnar Euphorbias that do exceptionally well in very wet, humid climates.

It need bright light to partial shade for best appearance (but the variegated forms do best if protected from strong sunshine in the hottest hours of the day). It responds well to warmth, with its active growth period in the late spring and summer months.

Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch during active growing season (more than once a week during hot weather)

In the winter months, watering should be suspended or restricted to once over the winter.

The most common failure in growing this plant is over watering, especially during the winter months.

Likes porous soil with adequate drainage.

Succulent Euphorbias in greenhouses apparently are seldom affected by fungous diseases.

- In Stock

Euphorbia Lactea 4 inch Cutting - Dragon Bones Tree - Large Ornamental Succulent  Quantity: 
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Euro 5.95
Rare giant crown of thorns Euphorbia Milii 1 unrooted cutting
Giant CROWN OF THORNS Euphorbia Milii 1 unrooted Cutting Red Flower

The photo shows the size of the flowers

Shipped in a rigid box

We remove a number of the leaves and flowers when we root these

Do not overwater the cuttings as they will rot

Plant 1 inch deep in well draining medium, water once and then wait for new growth which can take some time - In Stock

Rare giant crown of thorns Euphorbia Milii 1 unrooted cutting  Quantity: 
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Euro 6.95
Euphorbia Enterophora 5 inch Cutting
Euphorbia Enterophora 5 inch Cutting

Shipped in a rigid box

Photos show how the plant grows


Provided with growing and care guide

Euphorbia enterophora is a 'cactoid' Euphorbia forming a large much branched shrub or even tree with with a broad crown and woody base occasionally up to 20 m tall.

It grows upward at first but as it adds branches the plants sprawl laterally forming a large irregular mass.

Flowers are about 4 mm in diameter, unisexual, yellowish, hairy, inconspicuous arranged in small clustered cymes at the tip of the branches.

Nectar glands tiny ,brownish, quite separate. Ovary globose subsessile - In Stock

Euphorbia Enterophora 5 inch Cutting  Quantity: 
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Euro 7.95
Euphorbia Tortilis Spiral Cactus Succulent Cutting
Euphorbia Tortilis Spiral Cactus Succulent Cutting

The photos show some of our plants and how they grow

This is for a 3 inch cutting which will root easily and grow, they love direct sun and heat

Shipped in a rigid box after being well packed

They are some of the easiest and care-free Euphorbias to grow, both in pots and in the ground in areas with a mild climate, but they can even be grown indoors.

They grow well in a very draining mineral potting substrate, but they aren't picky about soil.

During the summer they enjoy average feeding and watering.

When dormant, plants are relatively cold tolerant. -

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Euphorbia Tortilis Spiral Cactus Succulent Cutting  Quantity: 
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Euro 7.95
Euphorbia Lactea White Ghost Cutting 3 inch
Euphorbia Lactea White Ghost 3 to 4 inch cutting

From the plant shown in the photos

Euphorbia Lactea is also commonly known as the �White Ghost�.

As the plant slowly matures you can expect it to reach up to around 3 m (10ft) tall.

This plant is unique for many reasons one of them being that it often turns white.

When the plant continues to grow you will notice that it will branch out although mostly from the top.

Scientific Classification

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Subfamily: Euphorbioideae

Tribe: Euphorbieae

Genus: Euphorbia Euphorbia Lactea �White Ghost� can be quite beautiful when it is well-taken care of.

This succulent type needs typical watering as the other succulents.

The watering method is very important to keep your White Ghost healthy.

It should not sit on the water, and an excess amount of water should be avoided.

The best way of watering is soak and dry method this succulent.

Yet, the succulent should be controlled to avoid overwatering. -

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Euphorbia Lactea White Ghost Cutting 3 inch  Quantity: 
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Euro 14.95

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