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Cool Plants for your house and garden

We have 4 product s in this category

  Adenium Seeds

5 Adenium Obesum seeds
5 Adenium Obesum seeds

We are getting over 80% germination

Common names include Desert Rose, Elephants Foot, Impala Lily, Mock Azalea, Kudu, Sabi Star

Provided with growing and care guide link


The photo shows a mature plant in flower and some seeds

Adenium obesum is a succulent shrub or small tree belonging to the the oleander family. It has a pachycaul stems and a stout, swollen basal caudex with an opened crown becoming denser with age. It is evergreen or drought-deciduous and can also lose its leaves during cold spells. It is quite variable in habit and most plants in cultivation are hybrids, yet only a few cultivar names have a valid description. It is monoecious and self-sterile.

2–4 (-6) m tall, but usually much smaller, fleshy, with a distinct irregular swollen base, or caudex up to 1 (-2) m in diameter, much of which is underground. Above ground the caudex can be globose to conical with smooth, pale greyish-green to brown bark. In mature specimens a definite caudex may no longer be recognizable as the it forms a swollen trunk with few irregularly thickened branches. The branches are smooth, greyish-green, pubescent at apex and usually upright, tortuous and irregularly spaced but sometime they are weak and spreading. The plant contains a copious sticky watery or white sap that flows from broken stem as well as from other plant parts like leaves, roots etc.

Fleshy taproot.

Spirally arranged, clustered toward the tips of the shoots, scentless, simple entire, spathulate to obovate, fleshy, leathery in texture, hairless, shiny dark green to bluish-green above, paler green and dull below, (3-)5–12(-17) cm long and (0,5-)1–6(-8) cm broad. The apex is rounded and the base tapers into a very short petiole usually less than 2 mm long.

Bisexual, regular, very showy and arranged in - more or less - dense, cymes that stay above the leaves, tubular with flared lips 2–5 cm long, with the outer portion 4–6 cm diameter with five petals and wavy or crinkled margins. The flowers range from red through pink to white, often with a whitish blush outward of the throat. Sepals oval 6-12 mm long, pedicel 5-9 mm long.

Blooming time:
It is capable of flowering all year, even sparingly during the winter, but it is more floriferous during the dry periods of Spring and Autumn. Flowers appear often before leaves on deciduous branches, and for a time the crown is adorned only with flowers as new leaves emerge below the flowers. The flowers opening for 2-3 days.

The fruit is a twin follicle about 10-22 cm long resembling the horns of a steer. The two follicles are united at the base, narrowly oblong, slightly recurved, pale grey-green to grey-brown, and tapering at both ends. When matured, the follicles dehisce (split) along one side to release the seeds.

Long narrow cylindric, 10-14 mm long, brown slightly scabrid, with long silky dirty-white to golden-brown hairy tuffs (pappus) at each end so that the seed is blown along the ground like an axle with two wheels. -

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5 Adenium Obesum seeds  Quantity: 
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Euro 4.95
Adenium Arabicum 5 seeds
Adenium Arabicum and Desert Rose 5 fresh seeds good germination rate

We are getting over 80% germination using temperature controlled heat mats

Common names include known as Elephants Foot, Sabi star

Provided with growing and care guide link


First photo shows a mature plant in flower


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Adenium Arabicum 5 seeds  Quantity: 
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Euro 4.95
Adenium Thai Socotranum Aden rose of Socotran 5 Seeds
5 Thai socotranum adenium seeds

We are getting over 75% germination using temperature controlled heat mats Common names include Socotran desert rose, Aden rose of Socotra, sack-of-potatoes tree

Provided with growing and care guide link

photo shows Adenium seeds and plants after 28 days so you can see how they look DO NOT OVERWATER

First photo shows a mature plant

Origin and Habitat:
Thai socotranum is a hybrid cross of Adenium arabicum and Adenium socotranum that was developed in Thailand many years ago

Adenium socotranum is endemic from from the isolated island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean south of the Arabian peninsula and east of the Horn of Africa.

For many years Socotra hosted a Soviet naval port and was off limits to most everyone, restricting the availability of plants and seeds.

In recent years it is accessible, but the authorities are very protective of the natural resources and it is illegal to collect plant material of any type.

Habitat and ecology:
A. socotranum, is the characteristic plant of rocky slopes, forming extensive patches of succulent shrubland in favourable locations.

It grows among stones in grit or on other well drained soil.

It displays several morphological and physiological adaptations to cope with the dry climate and fierce monsoonal winds.

A. socotranum has a special cell sap cycling within the caudex which prevents overheating.

Plant bodies are globular or columnar, with reduced surface areas that decrease transpiration.

Glaucous wax surfaces and micro-anatomical epidermal emergences reflect radiation.

The cycles of flowering and growth of A. socotranum are well adapted to the arid climate, in that it blooms after the rainy season in March-April and only when they are well past flowering do the fruits release their air-borne seeds, leaving them to be dispersed by the heavy monsoon storms.

Then the dry season begins with (perhaps) a million adenium seedlings waiting for the next rainy season.

The most common and regular associate in the Adenium shrub layer is the endemic Jatropha unicostata.

This shrub is perhaps one of the most common species on Socotra.

The close association between the two species is probably due to their apparent preference for, or ability to cope with, coarse rocky substrates.

Numerous regeneration niches exist in such substrates, offering the seedlings protection from trampling and affording them some degree of shade.

The seeds of both species germinate readily after rainfall.

Furthermore both species are highly toxic to domestic livestock and as such are rarely browsed. -

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Adenium Thai Socotranum Aden rose of Socotran 5 Seeds  Quantity: 
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Euro 5.95
5 Adenium Black Somalense seeds
5 Adenium Black Somalense seeds

We are getting over 80% germination

We use heat mats to maintain temperature for germination

Common names include Desert Rose

Provided with growing and care guide link


The photo shows a mature plants flowers

Leaf :
narrow shape , long leaf and deep green colour , they have a prominent vein leaf

Branch :
long branches

Flower :
have a big pink flower , have a deep red line in the petal

Form :
black or dark stem and branch , high growth in vertical dimension more than horizontal -

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5 Adenium Black Somalense seeds  Quantity: 
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Euro 6.95

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